Looking back, I realized my kids have all been posted here, except one. Boo Radley, AKA "Bad Dog" (says so on his ID tag!)... this is one crafty little critter. He used to fly over the 4' chain link to go roaming in Tennessee. He'd end up in the neighbors' backyards, playing with their dogs. More than once, he was brought home in the back of someone's car. A couple apologies later, and I'd always get: "oh, no, he's fine! We love him to death! He was playing with our dogs... we were just leaving, so we thought we'd drop him off at home"
Boo is a classic foster failure. He was foisted on me as a young pup, probably a year old, by a coworker at the vet hospital. "Just until we find him a home." Right. I'm not sure anyone actually looked for a home for him after that. I think I was the mark, the fall guy, the sucker, the intended home. Seven years later, and here he is, still with me, still up to his old antics...
This year for Halloween, he went as... himself. I left him unattended in the backyard for five minutes while Rhys and I were inside, and he managed to find a way under the fence. Guess he wanted to go trick-or-treating. We had a good time driving around for a couple hours yelling "BOO!" out the car window...
I consider him the luckiest dog alive. Not only has he escaped being hit by a car, despite his insistence on fleeing the yard at every opportunity, but he's also escaped being strangled in my frustration...
Harry Potter's food was placed up on my desk, close to the back wall, far out of reach of grounded dogs. Worked for about a day, until Boo realized there was food up there. I noticed that the food was disappearing at a quick rate. Not so surprising, as Harry is a big kid, but then I noticed that the bowl was crumb free. I've never seen a cat lick a bowl, but you never know. Well, the other night, I rounded the corner and caught Boo standing in the middle of the desk top, munching away... I made a noise and he scrambled frantically off the desk and out the door. Tell me he doesn't know better, and I've got a bridge to sell you...
So, we put up a baby gate... right. Not sure exactly why I thought it would change anything. After all, this is a fence jumping, desk mounting, food stealing machine we're dealing with here. That lasted about a day as well, and I came home to find the baby gate laid out in the floor and the food bowl licked clean again... grrr... so now I've just gone back to closing the door.
Things I Learned Today
Sunday is likely the most popular day to realize that something's just not right with the cat. I have to assume that this is because people have mroe time on Sunday to hang out at the house and stare at the cat. Add to that that nobody else but the ER is available to see patients on a Sunday, and I'm thinking Tuesday and Wednesday seem like good days to take off...
No questions so far... email me at doggydoc72@gmail.com if you have a topic for me to write about. Till then, good night...
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