Harry Potter... now lives with me. Temporarily. Or so they tell me. So he's got some urinary issues. We need to test him, but for now we're keeping up with his methioform. And, he's very sweet. He loves attention, and has this habit of stretching out his left paw while he talks to you... quite endearing. Anyone need a cat? Just fill out an adoption application! Until then, he'll be protecting the house from rodents for me :)
Things I learned today:
1. Best to transfer your samples to the serum separator tube before transferring to your EDTA tube if you're using the same needle for both. Got a cat sample back with Ca 4.3 and K of 9.5.... kinda threw me for a loop, not what I was looking for on a Saturday morning. A little research and some help from a colleague, and it turns out that EDTA contamination, even in minute amounts, can jack up your results. I know it binds calcium, but not sure about the potassium...
2. Invoices are something I'm not fond of. Getting them in the mail, or creating them. Needless to say, it's a bit more rewarding to create them, as it means I'm getting paid. I don't enjoy dinking around with spreadsheets much, though. Much as I enjoy doing fruitless tasks for hours on end on the computer, I've identified this one as one more thing I'd as soon have someone else do for me. Thankfully I have an awesome office manager to keep me in line and on track... and she works for free, pretty much. You should be so lucky. Rhys, you're awesome. And, we have an accountant who wants to help us... Rhys's mom, I know where Rhys gets her awesomeness... : )
OK, I guess I really only learned one important thing today. I already kinda knew about invoicing being something I was not interested in...
Oh, 3. Dog food made with 70% chicken, formed into little brown pellets, still tastes like dog food. Not as dry as kibble, but the flavor is still there. Don't judge me. I try just about everything once.
The HSLWR project is moving forward, ever so gradually. It's amazing the amount of work involved in just coordinating a thing like this. We're so close to getting really rolling... I'm really looking forward to bringing in the next round of critters for adoption! We've taken in a cute little Shih tzu who needs some special care, and a little immiticide, and we're preparing a place for her... spay next week, and maybe adopted the next? Stay tuned and find out...
Meanwhile, I've taken on some new clientele, and we're getting the groove of the housecall business. Six animals in one housecall... not bad. Now if I can just get enough prevention products in the same place at the same time to cover it all...
Ask me a question, and I'll try to give you an answer. This could be fun. We might both learn something.
Good night.
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